Benefits of Pyramid Meditation

Its is a well known fact that mediation leads to good health, mental peace, memory power and helps in spiritual growth.

When people mediate inside a pyramid, the results will be much more effective and faster.

Meditation inside a pyramid enables attaining meditative state three times faster then outside and gives tremendous healing benefits

Pyramid energy improves physical health and helps in getting out-of-body chakras in our energy body and enables activation of third-eye. Pyramids have power to crate positive vibrations and influence the surroundings. Science has explained that different structures and different colors influence human mind.

Pyramids benefits Students:-

Mediation done by students using pyramid energy has immense benefits such as increased concentration, enhanced memory power, increased confidence level, clearer intellect and reduces the mental tension. Pyramid meditation helps students to face exams easily. they can prepare for exams well without any stress and also remember whatever they have read.

Healing with pyramid energy:-

If you want to have relief from head ache, body ache, sinus or such physical ailments, do regular pyramid meditation minimum for thirty minutes by wearing a pyramid cap or under a hanging pyramid.

For permanent relief from chronic diseases like asthma, heart pain eat., meditate daily minimum for thirty minuts use a pyramid (chest pyramid). To get rid of back pain, do meditate by keeping a pyramid on your back.

If you have a knee problem or elbow problem, do use knee pyramid on that particular part, and meditate for thirty minutes both in the morning and evening.

Also, drink pyramid charged water regularly for faster healing and better remedy.

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