Energy of pyramid

Sufficient work has been accomplished to date that one can safely venture that something is going on go a non-ordinary nature within the pyramid space. It seems equally justified to say that energy fields, both known and unknown, are at play.

As modern physics has shown, we are energy and live in an energy universe, all interacting, and we talk less today about mind and matter and more about levels, degrees, and types of energy fields.

It would follow then, that a grater understanding of the nature of energy or energies would be an important key to the greater knowledge of ourselves, Physically, mentally, and spiritually, and the world in which we live.

If the pyramid shape does in some manner generate of accumulate usable energy, it can be an exciting adventure for all of us in seeking to unravel the mystery.

Unusual energy fields are not the private property of pyramids, but so far the pyramid has yielded the most exciting possibilities.

The human being is the most diverse and complex user, modifier, and creator of energy forces. He is a universe within himself. And since he is always vitally involved in the experiments, planning, designing, building, handling materials, examining, analyzing. He cannot be totally divorced from the results.

Adventures with pyramids

The new adventures with pyramids offer exciting possibilities to persons from all walks of life. The research scientist and the home-workshop buff, the philosophical discourser and the physics student looking for a project.

Pyramid models verying in size from a few inches to a number of feet have been constructed and used to house a variety of both animate and inanimate objects human beings.

The material out of which the models are constructed has little bearing on the results. Small pyramids have usually been made from cardboard and wood, fiberglass, glass, and plastic sheeting.

The presence of metal in or on the pyramid would seem to both inhibit and enhance the electromagnetic properties of the energy spectrum, depending upon the placements and relative amount of the metal.

Food commodities have been left in pyramids for several weeks and individuals have remained inside larger pyramids from a few minutes to a number of hours.

The results reported include preservation of food items, purification of water, increased growth of plants, shortened germination period for seeds, removal of tarnish from metals, and for human subjects greater relaxation, improved contemplative and meditative states, healing, tranquility, and even rejuvenation.

Great pyramid of Gizeh

The great pyramid at Gizeh, ten miles west of cairo, is well-known as one of the seven world wonders.

The great pyramid has a base conversing thirteen acres and is leveled to a fraction of an inch. More then 2.6 million blocks of granite and limestone went into its construction. Its present height is more than 450 feet.

The king’s chamber is the most important feature of the pyramid. The foundations of the pyramid are perfectly oriented to the north. No mummies were ever found in the great pyramid.

Scholars are aware that the Great pyramid at Gizeh was built as a place and as an instrument of initiations into altered and higher states of consciousness, through the mechanism of conscious out-of-body experiences.

Pyramid energy

The Egyptians knew that the pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The power of the pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiated cosmic-energy with that of the gravitational force of earth.

Power of pyramids

The pyramids has always held a strange fascination for man. For centuries we have marveled at its intrigue, its history, its size, its engineering and most important, its reason for being. But then came the discovery that the shape of the pyramid itself had unusual powers.

The fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy was known to ancient Egyptians, more then 10,000 years ago. They utilized this concept when they built their pyramids.

The Pyramid is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on a square base and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid. Each triangular sloping face is a isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal and the base angle equal. The length of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and of equal area.

Anapanasati Meditation

cosmic consciousness is achieved only through a regular practice of Anapanasati Meditation. Cosmic energy is obtained only through being with the BREATH-ENERGY “ when we are with the breath-energy, the mind becomes empty. Then, there is a tremendous in-flow of cosmic energy into the physical body. Gradually the hitherto dormant third eye becomes energized and latent powers of the cosmic consciousness are released. The breath-energy is our only way to achieve cosmic energy.

Be-with-the-breath close your eyes take all the time you need to get comfortable shift muscles stretch and relax spine and neck are replaced not held stiffly there is no stiffness here just comfort, this beginning of calm, there is no hurry now there is nothing else to do, or think about. Just pure relaxation. Be still fist step inhale slowly second exhale slowly let your breath be a rhythm of calm your breath is a rhythm of calm follow your breath. Be still be with the your breath use your mind to follow your breath in out in out that all. Be still be with your breath be with your breath-energy.

Easy posture take any comfortable sitting posture. Hands should be clasped and eyes closed. Routine thoughts of the mind should be cut right away, as and when they arise. Attention only on being consciously with the breath-energy.

No Mantra is to be chanted. Forcible holding of one’s breath should never be attempted. Anapanasati should be undertaken regularly, and for atleast thirty to forty minutes every day. Any time, and any place, is perfectly ok for meditation.