What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Past Life Regression is a new age holistic therapy during which the subject is taken into altered states of consciousness. Memories of his/her past lives which are not accessible during normal waling consciousness are accessed during altered states of consciousness. The subject is taken into deeper levels of relaxation using hypnotic/ non-hypnotic bridge techniques during which he/she re-experiences , relives the childhood period and mother’s womb period, and gradually moves into one or more past lives. During this period, the subject can describe the previous present life and past life memories verbally and subject continues to remember the experience even after coming out of the state.


Past Life Regression Therapy can be helpful in many different areas, phobias, irrational fears, health problems, understanding sating disorders, family dysfunction, death, marital and relationships problems. It defuses negative patterns, finding the reasons for present life difficulties and setting positive change in motion.

It can change your life dramatically, eliminating guilt and anxiety. It will help you to develop your potential, unlock latent talents, create better understanding of others, reveal your life purpose and reason for incarnating and initiates new patterns of response, not reactions. By rewriting your life script, you can remove outworn emotional and doctrinaire conditioning and attune to an immortal spiritual being on a human journey.

Future Progression

Experiencing the probable future gives a direction, clarity of mind, and even healing. As Sath said, “ you create your own reality, not some of it, not most of it, but all of it”.

Reshaping reframing and reprogramming your life is possible through future progression by traveling forward in time in future progression.

Past Life Regression

Scientific Research all over the world in the field of Past Life Regression has shown that 90% of diseases , conflicts and maladies have past life connections.

Past is the cause! Present is the Effect!”

Unfulfilled vows, incomplete experiences and unlearned lessons and unresolved traumas perpetuate/ repeate until they get fulfilled, resolved and completed.

Suppression or unconscious memorizing of pastlife experiences will not provide a solution! They only postpone to the future until they become conscious and learned.

Consciously dwelling in the past life memories, however, provides a permanent solution for all the present life problems.

Past life regression Therapy is a root-cause therapy…. It ignores sings and symptoms and works holistically on body, maid, emotions and soul… thus leading to improved physical health, mental stability, emotional balance, harmonious inter-personal relationships and true spiritual understanding.

Stop Eating Meat!

“Energy of pain"

Even my eating habits reflected my love of birds and animals. The angels had adjusted my diet several years earlier, in response to my prayers to become more clairvoyant and intuitive.

“You are eating the energy of pain every time you ingest animal flesh”, they’d explained.

“ the animals’ suffering creates chemicals that flow through its flesh… and when you eat that animal, you are ingesting pain. Pain lowers your frequency and prevents ou from hearing messages from the high planes of the spirit world. If you rally want to be able to see and hear across the veil, stop eating meat!”

After receiving this message, I had stopped eating animal products. I realized that the fairies were also involved in suggesting these dietary changes, yet their motivations differed from that of the angels.

Whereas the angels were simply answering my prayers for better spiritual connections, the fairies know that veganism was a more Earth-friendly life-style.

Over the next few days, they explained that organic farming was essential to reviving the soil’s life force, which had deadened in response to pesticide-based farming. They also urged me to educate myself about animal rights.

Prefer to set in nature

I was grateful to for the fairies assistance and friendship.

I would hear form them on a daily basis, especially when I walked near the wildflowers and brush. “we prefer natural settings”, they told me, “and are more apt to be I wild growth area, rather then an artificially manicured garden.”

I realized that my backyard’s new growth and inhabitants were evidence of fairies’ presence. I had an insight that must have come from the fairy realm, due to its strength and completeness.

“ Those who don’t yet see fairies can instead see proof of their reality. Look for the blooming flowers, taller plants, butterflies, dragonflies, birds, and squirrels. You are witnessing the fairies’ signature-artwork in your garden’s increased growth. The fairies only ask that you take good care of the soil, plants, birds, and animals in return.”

Age Regression

Increasing the mileage of life by reversal followed by stoppage of milestones of age forms the central theme of this two-day Age regression workshop.

Age is primarily not measurable by the calendar years. For the convenience of chronology a standard of time has been framed in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years. As per this premise…time is an illusion. If the time is an illusion, age is also an illusion.

Then “ why do we become Senile?”

Why the milestones of age like graying of hair, impaired vision, diminished muscle tone, softening of bones, thickening of vessels, loss of memory, etc. are happening?

All these changes are basically manifested because of the psychological and emotional software deeply grounded in the form of our genetic code. Reprogramming of this software is very much required to make the people active and young at any age, natural living& open air sleeping.

Energy of pyramid

Sufficient work has been accomplished to date that one can safely venture that something is going on go a non-ordinary nature within the pyramid space. It seems equally justified to say that energy fields, both known and unknown, are at play.

As modern physics has shown, we are energy and live in an energy universe, all interacting, and we talk less today about mind and matter and more about levels, degrees, and types of energy fields.

It would follow then, that a grater understanding of the nature of energy or energies would be an important key to the greater knowledge of ourselves, Physically, mentally, and spiritually, and the world in which we live.

If the pyramid shape does in some manner generate of accumulate usable energy, it can be an exciting adventure for all of us in seeking to unravel the mystery.

Unusual energy fields are not the private property of pyramids, but so far the pyramid has yielded the most exciting possibilities.

The human being is the most diverse and complex user, modifier, and creator of energy forces. He is a universe within himself. And since he is always vitally involved in the experiments, planning, designing, building, handling materials, examining, analyzing. He cannot be totally divorced from the results.

Adventures with pyramids

The new adventures with pyramids offer exciting possibilities to persons from all walks of life. The research scientist and the home-workshop buff, the philosophical discourser and the physics student looking for a project.

Pyramid models verying in size from a few inches to a number of feet have been constructed and used to house a variety of both animate and inanimate objects human beings.

The material out of which the models are constructed has little bearing on the results. Small pyramids have usually been made from cardboard and wood, fiberglass, glass, and plastic sheeting.

The presence of metal in or on the pyramid would seem to both inhibit and enhance the electromagnetic properties of the energy spectrum, depending upon the placements and relative amount of the metal.

Food commodities have been left in pyramids for several weeks and individuals have remained inside larger pyramids from a few minutes to a number of hours.

The results reported include preservation of food items, purification of water, increased growth of plants, shortened germination period for seeds, removal of tarnish from metals, and for human subjects greater relaxation, improved contemplative and meditative states, healing, tranquility, and even rejuvenation.

Great pyramid of Gizeh

The great pyramid at Gizeh, ten miles west of cairo, is well-known as one of the seven world wonders.

The great pyramid has a base conversing thirteen acres and is leveled to a fraction of an inch. More then 2.6 million blocks of granite and limestone went into its construction. Its present height is more than 450 feet.

The king’s chamber is the most important feature of the pyramid. The foundations of the pyramid are perfectly oriented to the north. No mummies were ever found in the great pyramid.

Scholars are aware that the Great pyramid at Gizeh was built as a place and as an instrument of initiations into altered and higher states of consciousness, through the mechanism of conscious out-of-body experiences.

Pyramid energy

The Egyptians knew that the pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The power of the pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiated cosmic-energy with that of the gravitational force of earth.

Power of pyramids

The pyramids has always held a strange fascination for man. For centuries we have marveled at its intrigue, its history, its size, its engineering and most important, its reason for being. But then came the discovery that the shape of the pyramid itself had unusual powers.

The fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy was known to ancient Egyptians, more then 10,000 years ago. They utilized this concept when they built their pyramids.

The Pyramid is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on a square base and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid. Each triangular sloping face is a isosceles triangle, with the two sloping sides being equal and the base angle equal. The length of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and of equal area.

Anapanasati Meditation

cosmic consciousness is achieved only through a regular practice of Anapanasati Meditation. Cosmic energy is obtained only through being with the BREATH-ENERGY “ when we are with the breath-energy, the mind becomes empty. Then, there is a tremendous in-flow of cosmic energy into the physical body. Gradually the hitherto dormant third eye becomes energized and latent powers of the cosmic consciousness are released. The breath-energy is our only way to achieve cosmic energy.

Be-with-the-breath close your eyes take all the time you need to get comfortable shift muscles stretch and relax spine and neck are replaced not held stiffly there is no stiffness here just comfort, this beginning of calm, there is no hurry now there is nothing else to do, or think about. Just pure relaxation. Be still fist step inhale slowly second exhale slowly let your breath be a rhythm of calm your breath is a rhythm of calm follow your breath. Be still be with the your breath use your mind to follow your breath in out in out that all. Be still be with your breath be with your breath-energy.

Easy posture take any comfortable sitting posture. Hands should be clasped and eyes closed. Routine thoughts of the mind should be cut right away, as and when they arise. Attention only on being consciously with the breath-energy.

No Mantra is to be chanted. Forcible holding of one’s breath should never be attempted. Anapanasati should be undertaken regularly, and for atleast thirty to forty minutes every day. Any time, and any place, is perfectly ok for meditation.

Practice of discrimination helps

There are situations in which we do things deliberately, knowing full well that it is the right thing to do. And there are situations in which we act impulsively without knowing the right or wrong of them. But in either case every work bears its own fruits, sweet or bitter. Apart from other sufferings one result of wrong action is greater mental turmoil. Our ignorance about right and wrong will not save us from trouble.

Therefore in order to control the mind one essential thing is to learn how to discriminate between right and wrong, good and evil, real and unreal. When discrimination becomes a habit with us we shall automatically ask ourselves what good is it? This will save us from possible mental turmoil resulting from wrong, rash and foolish actions, provided we have developed the habit of doing only what our discrimination tells us to be good. The practice of discrimination may very well go hand in had with the practice of self-examination this conduces to self-improvement.

There is another dimension to the practice of discrimination, which helps the control of the mind in fundamental manner. The ancient seekers neatly put the crux of the problem of mind-control.

Contraction of the Heart causes

Contraction of the heart causes us a special type of inner disquiet, and this can be removed only through the expansion of our heart. Practicing compassion for the unhappy is one of the methods of doing this. Active compassion will mean service of ding this. Service done in the proper attitude is purifying. It expands our hearts, enhances our sense of identity will the whole, and liberates us from the cramping agony of our smallness. This gives us inner joy.

Even if we ourselves are miserable, there will be no dearth of more miserable persons around us. Let us do something for somebody else. If we cannot do anything else, we may just be friendly and pray sincerely for the good of the world. That too will help.

Our delight should be in the good. When we take delight in the good the psychological law is that we imbibe the goodness and the other qualities of the good. Goodness is conducive to calmness of mind.

Yoga Disciplines

Basic yoga scriptures insist that is order to control the mind aspirants must practice the disciplines. Non-killing, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-receiving of gifts are called as yamas. Internal and external purification, contentment, mortification, study, and worship of god are the niyamas.

Obviously one who is not yet the master of his mind will fail to observe some of these precepts. Yet the idea of insisting on the practice of these virtues id to keep the ideal always bright before the practitioner, so that inner strength may grow through self-effort. Patanjali, the great teacher of yoga, says:

a) friendliness towards the happy.

b) Compassion for the unhappy.

c) Delight in the good.

d) Indifference to the evil.

This aphorism requires explanation. The disposition of being happy at the happiness of others creates a very soothing mental climate in which wrong impulses like jealousy cannot thrive.

superimposition of mind

The idea of me and mine in the body, organs. Etc., which are the non-self this superimposition the wise man must put a stop to, by identifying himself the Atman. Realizing your inmost self, the witness of intellect and its modifications, and constantly revolving the positive thought ‘ I am that’, conquer the identification with the non-self.

All the disquiet, tension and problems of the mind have only one origin, the false identification of one’s real Self with the non-self, giving rise to the idea of ‘me and mine’ in the body, the organs, ect. The cute of all these disorders is in the effective practice of the positive thought ‘I am That’, I am the Atman.’ That reality-oriented mind alone can be controlled.

The practice of fourfold Vadantic disciplines, which is enjoined for the attainment of illumination, takes care of the problem of mind control as matter of course.

These vedantic disciplines for controlling the mind can be helpfully supplemented by certain yoga disciplines which we shall now discuss.

When a mind dies?

The mind dies, being constantly fixed on his own self. Thence follows the cessation of desires. Therefore do away with your superimposition.

This death of the mind does not mean loss of the mind, but perfect purification, in which stat it is identified with the Atman. When one knows one self as the Atman, there is no longer a mind needing control.

In seeking to control of our mind we must aspire to this absolute state of being. As long as we have more desires than on, or other desire then desire for the realization of Atman, it will be difficult to control the mind, for it will then be in a scattered state. It we seek anything less then the highest, into which everything converges, as it were, the mind will be divided. It is hard to control a divided mind. In other words, those who seek anything less then perfect illumination, or realization of the self, can never control their mind perfectly. They have some desire other then that that for illuminations and therefore they in effect vote for the perpetuation. Thus they render them selves incapable of doing things needed for controlling the mind. Of these disciplines one particularly is very helpful in controlling the mind through it power of purification.

Purification of mind

The Purification of mind take place through constant discrimination between the real and unreal, Through renunciation of the unreal, and through deep contemplation on the true nature of the self. The desire of self-realization is obscured by innumerable desire for things other then the self. When they have been destroyed by constant attachment to the self, the Atman clearly manifests itself of its own accord.

As the mind becomes gradually established in the inmost self, proportionately gives up desires for external objects. And when all such desires have been eliminated there take place the unobstructed realization of the Atman.

Mentality of Human Mind

We have examined in some detail one method of changing the mentality of human minds for the purpose of controlling it. This is an authentic method taught in the scriptures. When correctly practiced it can help any one at any time.

There are so many people who are so constituted that they cannot control there inner mind or because their conditions of living are not conducive to practice of this discipline. Is there any other discipline easier of practice but equally effective? One thing you have practice in your life, that is discipline, and is equally, if not more effective.

But it is difficult to speak about this very simple method. An moral story will show what we mean. There are some patients who, having suffering with an obstinate ailment, do not really trust the doctor when he prescribes a simple remedy. They are inclined to think that a difficult disease needs correspondingly complicated treatment. The same is true of the simple method we are about to describe: for some people it is simple.

Yoga, discrimination, piety, austerities, rites, study of Vedas, works of public utility, place of pilgrimage, and moral rules, particular as well as universal, none of these, I say only bind me so much as association with saints, which roots out all attachment.

Most of our attachments are due to the preponderance in our nature. When we are in the company of our perfected soul, the powerful vibrations like cosmic energy of his holiness penetrate with in us and bring about a change in the composition of our mind, lending to a preponderance up to the time being.

Sole company makes our task of controlling the mind easier, so we must not fail to seek it. But when sole company is not available, what do we do? We must depend on our own resources and go ahead with hard on our own resources and go ahead with hard and methodical work.

Changing the constitution of the mind

The impurities of the mind can be gradually comes by providing the mind with wholesome food, and by bringing about a change in the constitution of the mind so that a sattva predominates over the other two gunas. Finally, it is true, sattva has to be transcended; but first it has to predominate.

We mentioned earlier that according to the teachings of the Upanishad the mind consists of food.

The food that eats is transformed in three different ways:

the grossest part of it becomes excrement, the middle part is transformed into flesh and subtlest part goes to form the mind.

As mind consists of food, naturally the teaching follows:

When the food is pure, the mind becomes pure. When the mind becomes pure, memory becomes firm. And when a man is in possession of firm memory, all the bonds which tie him down to the world are loosed.

However, if for any reason we are not able to adopt the simple method of going beyond the gunas, other ways of controlling the mind remain open to us.

In addition to learning how to conquer tamas and rajas we need to learn how to conquer sattva also. Tams is destroyed by sattva and rajas, rajas by sattva, and sattva dies when purified. Therefore do away with they superimposition though the help of sattva.


Ancient Egyptians knew the fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy, more than 10,000 years ago. The utilizing this concept when they built their pyramids.

THE PYRAMIDS: The pyramids is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on square base and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid.
Each triangular a loping face is an isosceles triangle, with the sloping sides being equal and base angle equal. The lengths of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and equal area.

The Egyptians knew that the pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The power of pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiation cosmic-energy with that of the gravitational force of earth.


The control of the mind depends on its purity We are unable to control our mind because its in impure state. If we live in a way, were the mind is impure state and at the same time make assiduous efforts to control the mind. Just we should go ahead to control our mind, we are not likely succeed. Except in the rare case when we start with a highly pure mind.

We need is a system of discipline for controlling the mind which will obligate its impurities. Lets know about these impurities of the mind ? they are the urges, impulses and emotions like envy, hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, lust, greed, conceit, temptation, etc., the impurities cause disturbance in the mind by creating attachment and aversion, and thus rob it of trandquillity.