The impurities of the mind can be gradually comes by providing the mind with wholesome food, and by bringing about a change in the constitution of the mind so that a sattva predominates over the other two gunas. Finally, it is true, sattva has to be transcended; but first it has to predominate.
We mentioned earlier that according to the teachings of the Upanishad the mind consists of food.
The food that eats is transformed in three different ways:
the grossest part of it becomes excrement, the middle part is transformed into flesh and subtlest part goes to form the mind.
As mind consists of food, naturally the teaching follows:
When the food is pure, the mind becomes pure. When the mind becomes pure, memory becomes firm. And when a man is in possession of firm memory, all the bonds which tie him down to the world are loosed.
However, if for any reason we are not able to adopt the simple method of going beyond the gunas, other ways of controlling the mind remain open to us.
In addition to learning how to conquer tamas and rajas we need to learn how to conquer sattva also. Tams is destroyed by sattva and rajas, rajas by sattva, and sattva dies when purified. Therefore do away with they superimposition though the help of sattva.
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