We have examined in some detail one method of changing the mentality of human minds for the purpose of controlling it. This is an authentic method taught in the scriptures. When correctly practiced it can help any one at any time.
There are so many people who are so constituted that they cannot control there inner mind or because their conditions of living are not conducive to practice of this discipline. Is there any other discipline easier of practice but equally effective? One thing you have practice in your life, that is discipline, and is equally, if not more effective.
But it is difficult to speak about this very simple method. An moral story will show what we mean. There are some patients who, having suffering with an obstinate ailment, do not really trust the doctor when he prescribes a simple remedy. They are inclined to think that a difficult disease needs correspondingly complicated treatment. The same is true of the simple method we are about to describe: for some people it is simple.
Yoga, discrimination, piety, austerities, rites, study of Vedas, works of public utility, place of pilgrimage, and moral rules, particular as well as universal, none of these, I say only bind me so much as association with saints, which roots out all attachment.
Most of our attachments are due to the preponderance in our nature. When we are in the company of our perfected soul, the powerful vibrations like cosmic energy of his holiness penetrate with in us and bring about a change in the composition of our mind, lending to a preponderance up to the time being.
Sole company makes our task of controlling the mind easier, so we must not fail to seek it. But when sole company is not available, what do we do? We must depend on our own resources and go ahead with hard on our own resources and go ahead with hard and methodical work.
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