Sufficient work has been accomplished to date that one can safely venture that something is going on go a non-ordinary nature within the pyramid space. It seems equally justified to say that energy fields, both known and unknown, are at play.
As modern physics has shown, we are energy and live in an energy universe, all interacting, and we talk less today about mind and matter and more about levels, degrees, and types of energy fields.
It would follow then, that a grater understanding of the nature of energy or energies would be an important key to the greater knowledge of ourselves, Physically, mentally, and spiritually, and the world in which we live.
If the pyramid shape does in some manner generate of accumulate usable energy, it can be an exciting adventure for all of us in seeking to unravel the mystery.
Unusual energy fields are not the private property of pyramids, but so far the pyramid has yielded the most exciting possibilities.
The human being is the most diverse and complex user, modifier, and creator of energy forces. He is a universe within himself. And since he is always vitally involved in the experiments, planning, designing, building, handling materials, examining, analyzing. He cannot be totally divorced from the results.
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