Inner Climate of Mind
Bhikkhus, these five things much be contemplated by all men and woman, householders as well as bhikkhus.
1. Old age will come upon you some day and you cannot avoid it.
2. Death can come upon you some day and you cannot avoid it.
3.Disease can come upon you and you cannot avoid it.
4. All things that you hold are subject to change and decay and separation, you cannot avoid it.
5. You are the outlook of your own deed and whatever be your deeds, good or bad, you shall be heir
1. little finger
2.Ring finger
3.Middle finger
4.Index finger
5.Thumb finger.
What do these different fingers symbolize? They symbolize as following:
- 1. Little finger : The physical body
- 2. Ring finger : The mind
- 3. Middle finger : The intellect
- 4. Index finger : The individual self
- 5. Thumb finger : The universal self
The physical body is obtained from the physical parents. Physical body is the least part of the totality of self! That is why it is represented by the little finger! You remember when you were a small kid; you said "Teacher teacher!" and you upheld the little finger to indicate the nature call!
When two hearts, when two minds, meet and vibrate at the same frequency, there is marriage and rings are exchanged only on the ring finger! Not any other finger!
Remember the second finger is much bigger then the little finger.
That is, the "Mind" is so much important than the body. The Mind infact is the total controller of the body.
The Intellect differentiates between good and the bad; truth and un-truth; correct and the incorrect: beautiful and the ugly.. irespective of the society factors.
Where "The Mind" is automatically prejudiced , The Intellect is less prejudiced and more un prejudiced.The intellect is the sum-total distillate of all the Experiences of soul.
4.THE INDEX FINGER REPRESENTS THE INDIVIDUAL SELF:When you call somebody, you use the index finger, not any other finger! In fact, you are not your body; you are not your body; you are not your mind; you are not your intellect. you are you, the Atma, the Self.
The Atma is waht you are! Atma is nothing but an Eternal Speak of Consciousness and Energy! the Individual self is otherwise called as "JEEVATMA".
The source-parent of individual self is the universal self. We are the different in our Physical Bodies, the Minds and the intellects. But we have the same ATMIC source and we are all one at the level of ATMA.
The source-parent-self of the infinite number of Individual Selves is called as the Universal self.
The source-parent-self is otherwise called as " BRAHMATMA".
Mudra for the spiritual-minded
Th sum and essence of "Baba Concept":
*Ring Finger folded= Dhyana Yoga
*Middle Finger folded = jnana yoga
The "Baba Concept" says that if you have the understanding that " I am the Body", then you have only a Drop of knowledge. But, if you understand that " I am the Atma", than you have an ocean of knowledge.
Travelling form the little finger to the index finger. That is called as Spirituality, or Spiritual Science, or Enlightenment. Travelling from the physical body to the Atma, that is called as Spirituality.
Those who are in a hurry and looking for clever devices may be warned that the mind ,a delicate instrument, should be handled very carefully.
a.Permanent basic peration.
b.Providing high-power emergency brakes.
The first set will give a general healthy direction to mind while the second will save us in emergencies.
In case the first set is not practised the its difficult to make use of second set because power- supply for the second system comes from the first set of disciplines.
- Life must be held in properframe of construstive thinking.There should be routine daily life and certain basic principles.Those who have no moral and other principles and no regularity will find it always impossible to control the mind. We should bring rhythm into our life in order to control the mind.
- To control the mind we must check its proverbial restlessness.
Mind is a finner body within the gross body.The physical body is ,as it were, only crust of the mind.Being the finner part of the body, the one affects the other for that reason physical and mental illness or tension often affects the mind.
Behind the mind is the Atman which is very pure spirit, the real self of man. Body and mind are material.Mind is not an Atman but distinct from Atman.
How To Overcome The Pleasure-Motive

It is easy to say bluntly that unless the pleasure-motive is renounced one cannot have a strong will to control the mind. But the pleasure-urge, being elemental in us, is so deeply ingrained in our flesh the greatest difficult. We must not, however, and wicked in seeking pleasure. The pleasure-motive immoral pleasures which create greater bondage and retard our higher self-development, is. Except for a microscopic minority-who, in response to a higher call, have renounced worldly pursuits and about whom we are not speaking here- except for them, life itself will hardly be possible without some satisfaction of the pleasure-urge. What to live for, if not for pleasure? Will be the honest question of the majority of mankind. This urge is a living force in man, and a force by which he lives. Yet it is true that the pleasure-motive eats away our will to control the mind. What then is the solution of this inner problem?
To be sure, ascetic denial is not the answer for the vast majority. Neither is the answer indulgence. The answer is in gradually educating out pleasure-urge, and in understanding the dimensions of our own being and how to harness the pleasure-urge for the purpose of self-fulfillment. This will need some elaboration.
Incidentally it us as well to make it cleat that we are now discussing a general problem that faces beginners who are worldly in their dispositions. For those who are advanced aspirants a some of the points we are going to discuss will not hold good. They will know what these points are: for example the enjoyment of legitimate sense-pleasure is per-missible for the ordinary person who has yet to make a start in spiritual life, but not for the person who has take several steps in it.
We must clearly understand what is at stake in controlling the mind.Insanity in the worst thing that can happen to an individual as a result of non-control of mind.
One who have no control over his mind cannot have peace of mind.One who has no peace of mind,how can he have happiness?A victim of passions,emotions and tensiona, he may develop obstinate mental maladies or turn into a criminal.
In an Indian maxin it is said that: a man may have received the grace of God, of the teacher of a holy men; but if he does not have the grace of his own mind he will go to rack and ruin. Having the grace of one's own means having control it.
"How to strengthen the will to control the mind"
It cannot be said that we have no will to control the mind. The very fact that all of us have our own inner struggles indicates that we have the will.But in most cases this will to control the mind is not very strong.
Our will to control the mind can never be strong until and unless we have deliberately and inrevocably renounced pleasure as one of the main pursuits of our life. the canker which eats away the vitality of our will to control the mind is the pursuit of pleasure.It is like this:if you have a servant who is aware that you depend on him to procure you illicit drugs and if you both enjoy the drug together, you cannot then control that servant. the same with the case of mind. We cannot control our mind until we give up seeking pleasure.
The strength of our will to control the mind will be in proportion to the strenght and intensity of our renunciation of the pursuit of the pleasure. Unless the pleasure-motive is overcome,no matter what what else we do, we never perfectly control the mind.
the dervative of this truth is that those who are relucatant to renounce the pleasure-motive are not sincere enough in wanting to control the minds, what ever their professions.
Mind-Control "Difficult But Possible"

In this topic, the mind and its control can be done when we are all deeply interested in ours personal way nothing affects us individually more than our own minds. We know a little bit about these subject.All of us try to control our minds.But we should like to know more and do better.
How can we control the mind and who can help us in regarding this? Only those who have perfectly controlled their own minds. what we may learn from such sources we shall present here as a system of simple disciplines.
Control of mind is considered as a very interesting inner game.If you hav the sportsman's attitude,you will throughly enjoy it, even when you are apparently losing.In the playing,this game takes a great deal of skill, patience, sence of humour,goodness of heart and some heroic flair which makes it possible not to get disheartened in face of hundred failures.
Dispassion and Practice are no doubt the entire secret of controlling the mind. But how do we bring them into our life stream? That is the Question. To do this
a. We should have to develop a strong will to control the mind.
b. We should have to understand the nature of the mind.
c. We should have to learn certain techniques and practise them intelligently and earnestly.

Meditation is nothing but the journey with in and knowing about your self spiritually.It will help in removing the mental tension and become enlightenment. A man will be full of joy and happiness instead of being suffering from insults, pains and by many difficulties.
Mediation is easy and not at all difficult which can be mastered with the help of regular practice.
Meditation begins basically with anapanasathi which means total attention and once awareness only on once normal breathing process. As per gauthama buddha ana means "in breath",apana means "out breath", sathi means "to be with it".
Meditation is neither prayer nor chanting any mantra.
Cosmic energy is nothing but the energy with in which is present in the universe.It is the bond between the gallaxies, planets, stars and all the elements. The whole universe is filled with the amount of cosmic energy.The earth is surrounded by abundant amount of cosmic energy and we'll receive that cosmic energy during sleep and in mediation. During meditation we will receive huge amount of cosmic energy and in sleep we will get limited amount. If we do the mediation under the pyramind there will be the more cosmic energy floating in it.So now lets know about the pyramids benefits and powers of pyamids.
Ancient Egyptians knew the fact that a geometric design collects and radiates energy, more than 10,000 years ago. The utilizing this concept when they built their pyramids.
THE PYRAMIDS: The pyramids is a solid structure with four triangular sloping sides resting on square base and the four apices joining at a point forming the apex of the pyramid.
Each triangular a loping face is an isosceles triangle, with the sloping sides being equal and base angle equal. The lengths of the equal sides are all equal and all are similar to each other and equal area.
STORE HOUSES OF ENERGY: The Egyptians knew that the pyramids are storehouses of energy drawn from the universe. The power of pyramid was obtained through a blending of the radiation cosmic-energy with that of the gravitational force of earth.
Meditation should be undertaken regularly and minimum for more than 20 minutes to 1 hour every day. Time can be increased as u further do.
Meditation can be done at any place, any time .As u start understanding that it is the inner state of the meditation.
Meditation can be done in any comfortable posture keep the spin erect, as far as it is possible. legs should be crossed or folded, hands should be clasped and eyes should be closed these help in avoiding the out flow of the cosmic energy.
Routine wandering of thoughts should cut of, as and when they arrise and should consequently keep the attention on the breath.
Instead of thinking to much about how to start and when to start, simply observe the normal breath and thats it. U have started ur journey in the meditation.