Mudra for the spiritual-minded

The "Baba mudra" is the "Baba Concept".The "Baba mudra" explains all the salient points of spirituality, meditation and Enlightenment. the "Baba concept" explains the total significance and actual meaning of "Baba Mudra". The "Baba concept" is being presented to the whole world by "The Spiritual Societies" in India.

Th sum and essence of "Baba Concept":

*Ring Finger folded= Dhyana Yoga
*Middle Finger folded = jnana yoga

The "Baba Concept" says that if you have the understanding that " I am the Body", then you have only a Drop of knowledge. But, if you understand that " I am the Atma", than you have an ocean of knowledge.

Travelling form the little finger to the index finger. That is called as Spirituality, or Spiritual Science, or Enlightenment. Travelling from the physical body to the Atma, that is called as Spirituality.

1 comment:

Raghu Iyer said...

your blog baba mudra is really can visit me at rediffiland.....Raghu Iyer...