"How to strengthen the will to control the mind"

It cannot be said that we have no will to control the mind. The very fact that all of us have our own inner struggles indicates that we have the will.But in most cases this will to control the mind is not very strong.

Our will to control the mind can never be strong until and unless we have deliberately and inrevocably renounced pleasure as one of the main pursuits of our life. the canker which eats away the vitality of our will to control the mind is the pursuit of pleasure.It is like this:if you have a servant who is aware that you depend on him to procure you illicit drugs and if you both enjoy the drug together, you cannot then control that servant. the same with the case of mind. We cannot control our mind until we give up seeking pleasure.

The strength of our will to control the mind will be in proportion to the strenght and intensity of our renunciation of the pursuit of the pleasure. Unless the pleasure-motive is overcome,no matter what what else we do, we never perfectly control the mind.

the dervative of this truth is that those who are relucatant to renounce the pleasure-motive are not sincere enough in wanting to control the minds, what ever their professions.

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